
Thursday, August 28, 2014


At facebook,, the group is the public face of THE EUROPEAN ROYAL HISTORY JOURNAL, (EUROHISTORY), a magazine I have published since 1997.

Subscriptions to EUROHISTORY cost $48 in the USA, $55 in Canada and $75 for the rest of the world.

Many of today's most respected royal biographers have contributed to the six issues we publish every year!
I encourage you, and everyone else, to consider becoming a subscriber to EUROHISTORY, a truly interesting magazine that successfully blends historical pieces with current day happenings and events among today's European royal and princely houses.

Also, we keep EUROHISTORY ad-free (I don't allow companies to buy advert space) all our revenue, every single cent raised by the magazine, is generated solely by subscriptions.

EUROHISTORY is run as if it were a non-profit. I spend every single penny raised by subscriptions on articles, better print quality, unique images and an increasing roster of contributors!

I have dedicated 17 years of my life to this dream...which subscribers help me achieve!

If you are interested in joining us, please email us at

EUROHISTORY: New Book on Sale at AMAZON – The Nassaus of Luxembourg

We are tremendously pleased to announce that our latest production, Kassandra and Sabrina Pollock's THE NASSAUS OF LUXEMBOURG, is now on sale at AMAZON!

Sales of this much-anticipated book began early today and already some copies have sold this morning!

We hope that you will enjoy this volume, the 18th book published by EUROHISTORY, the Pollocks's first. Both sisters are currently working on new projects to be published by EUROHISTORY: Queen Maria Pia of Portugal and the Royal House of Savoy!

Kassandra and Sabrina Pollock are also regular contributors to our bi-monthly magazine, The European Royal History Journal (ERHJ – EUROHISTORY). They have been lecturers several times at our yearly royalty conference in the San Francisco Bay Area.

As always...Enjoy the reading!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

EUROHISTORY: Designing "Marie Pavlovna"

After receiving approval of our edits to "Marie Pavlovna," the excellent book by Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova, we started this morning laying out the text!

The EUROHISTORY version of the book will be 40 pages longer than the Russian version published by St. Petersburg's renowned publishing house, Liki Rossii.

The "Western" version of the biography of the indomitable Grand Duchess Vladimir will also be hardbound and glossy-paged.

Stay tuned...more news to come as we work on getting the book to print!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

EUROHISTORY: Cover of Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna

The cover of our upcoming biography of Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna, authored by Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova, is now ready!

The book will have 200 glossy pages containing more than 300 images of the Grand Duchess, her family, world and residences.

This book promises to be, easily, one of our best productions yet!

Eurohistory: AMAZON Page for The Nassaus of Luxembourg

This morning the AMAZON page for our newest book, THE NASSAUS OF LUXEMBOURG, was released.

Copies sold through AMAZON are expected to become available to buyers on August 28!

One week from today, interested buyers can order this much-awaited volume!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

EUROHISTORY: Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna of Russia (New Book)

Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova's newest book, Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna, has been translated to English and, as previously announced, will be published in the USA by EUROHISTORY.

Liki Rossii, Korneva and Cheboksarova's publisher in St. Petersburg has already published a Russian edition of the book. This is the second cooperation between renowned publishing houses Liki Rossii and Eurohistory.

We began work on the book yesterday and expect to launch this excellent production by the yearly Eurohistory Conference (October 18-19).

This biography of one of the Imperial Family's most indomitable women is a on-of-a-kind production, consequence of the joining of forces between renowned Russian authors, rare archives in Russia, the United States and the private collections of many of the Grand Duchess's descendants!

Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna is to publish in hardbound and contain about 200 glossy pages handsomely illustrated with rare images of the Grand Duchess and her family, her world and works, collections and travels.






Friday, August 15, 2014

EUROHISTORY: The Four Graces, Second Edition – Off to Printers!

This morning Eurohistory released to our printer the long-awaited second edition of Ilana Miller's The Four Graces – Queen Victoria's Hessian Granddaughters. Besides containing a larger photo section, this second edition also contains updates.

Of our growing roster of hardbound books, The Four Graces is the first to be reprinted in hardbound version instead of the industry usual paperback!

We owe the ability to achieve this to the amazing demand Ilana's excellent book still creates.

Eurohistory expects to be able to begin shipping this book before the end of September 2014!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

EUROHISTORY: The Four Graces, Second Edition

Today we have received the final cover version for the Second Edition of Ilana D. Miller's excellent book, THE FOUR GRACES: Queen Victoria's Hessian Granddaughters!

The text is on its last revision and will be sent to the printer later in the week.

Once all files are approved, we expect to begin printing next week. EUROHISTORY will begin mailing this Second Edition before the end of September 2014!


EUROHISTORY: The Nassaus of Luxembourg Printing Update!

Last week we received the pre-printing review copy of THE NASSAUS OF LUXEMBOURG.

David and I checked it over the weekend and on Sunday evening sent authorization for the printing presses to begins the process of churning out copies of this excellent effort by the sisters Pollock, Kassandra and Sabrina!

The AMAZON and EUROHISTORY links for the book will go up this coming week. All subscribers of EUROHISTORY were mailed order forms inside Issue XCIX.

Very exciting times!

Friday, August 8, 2014

EUROHISTORY: summer reading blues, check out our listings

Nothing better than spending part of summer reading!

Check out our listings on Amazon, perhaps among them you can find several books you have always wanted to own!

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Great War: Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia's Communiqué

Crown Prince Alexander II on the Centenary of the beginning of the Great War

It has been hundred years since the beginning of the war that is remembered in history as the Great War, as a first war that officially was called a World War that left tragic marks on our planet! The victorious parties named it as a Great war for civilization afterwards! The war began by the Austro Hungarian attack on Serbia. Serbia lived on, the Austro Hungarian Monarchy did not.

War of unequal, suffering of the innocent, feats of heroes and suffering of millions, struggle for survival and freedom and hunger for dominance and conquest have been around the embattled world during the long years from summer of 1914 till spring of 1919. War is a general term for a phenomenon consisting of hunger, diseases, destruction and death. The Serbian people and Serbia have known well the war as state of mind and a price that has to be paid for survival and life as free people should have lived in a society of free people run by the rule of law and justice! Our ancestors paid that great price, and we haven’t forgotten their sacrifice nor their example they left to us even after 100 years.

My great grandfather His Majesty King Peter I ruled Serbia in 1914. During First and Second Balkan War we liberated our lands that were enslaved for centuries and our people that dreamt of freedom during those times! Nobody in Serbia wanted a new war, nor welcomed it, but when it came it was welcomed as an uninvited guest should have been: with courage and determination!

We are witnessing today that new times and the new power balance could change history and relationships. Old alliances are disappearing, new ones are emerging and break away. Some all hatred is resurrect, some old passions are in work again, and some new interests feed themselves upon old ideas and fallacies. Nothing new and nothing we have not seen already. The idea of freedom, law and justice, although its old and outdated concepts, still have great value for us. We have not invented democracy, nor have we always implemented it and have been worth of it, but democracy has been the very essence of our society and our nation, and it still is.

We are Serbs, and together with other nations we share our homeland and our destiny with, we do not mark this anniversary by celebrating war and war victory, but by paying respect to victims, warriors, volunteers who fought for the right of a small country to exist freely among the nations. We celebrate their sacrifice and their conscience that guided them.  We celebrate their faith and commitment. We celebrate that we had the honour to be on the right side in a Great War for civilization!

The Great War: Commemorations for the Centennial

Several events across Europe have commemorated the centennial of the UK's decision to enter the Austro-Hungarian – Serbian conflict.

King George V's fateful decision on August 4, 1914, made what could have been a localized war become a global one. However, blame for the conflict really should not rest with him solely. By the time London declared a state of war with the German Empire, the Kaiser and the Tsar had already taken the fateful plunge. England entering the war, made any hope of avoiding the terrible conflict simply impossible.

Prussia: Berlin Stadtschloß Rebuilt

From the Telegraph...

It was the building from which Kaiser Wilhelm II declared, to an adoring crowd, the beginning of the First World War. "I no longer recognise any parties or affiliations; today we are all German brothers and only German brothers," he proclaimed on that fateful day in August, 1914.
Since then the imperial palace on whose balcony the Kaiser stood 100 years ago this weekend has all but vanished - reduced to ruins by Allied bombing raids during the Second World War, and every last remnant demolished by East Germany's new communist rulers.
Continue reading...

The Great War

From BBC:

What Winston Churchill once described as 'the old world in its sunset' had never been captured more brilliantly than at the funeral of King Edward VII in May 1910. This was the occasion of the celebrated Parade of Kings, when over 50 royal horsemen - a swaggering cavalcade of emperors, kings, crown princes, archdukes, grand dukes and princes - followed the slowly trundling coffin through the streets of London.
Republican envoys... were firmly relegated to the end of the procession.
Here was a moment of supreme monarchical glory. Republican envoys, no matter how powerful the countries they represented - even France or the United States - were firmly relegated to the end of the procession. Who, seeing this collection of royalty clattering by, could doubt that the institution of kingship was flourishing? Nothing could better have symbolised the extraordinary early 20th-century flowering of European monarchy than this spectacular parade.
Never since the days of the ancien régime of pre-revolutionary France had monarchy seemed so firmly entrenched. Instead of diminishing in number, royal thrones had multiplied, and the second half of the 19th and the early years of the 20th centuries had seen the setting up of half a dozen new monarchies, so by the year of Edward VII's death there were more monarchs in Europe than there had ever been. Without counting the rulers of the kingdoms and duchies that went to make up the German empire, there were 20 reigning monarchs - with a crowned sovereign in every country except France and Switzerland (and even France had restored the monarchy four times in the 19th century).
Continue reading...

Friday, August 1, 2014

ROMANOV: The Murder of Grigorii Rasputin by Margarita Nelipa

We have found a stash of new copies of Margarita Nelipa's book, The Murder of Grigorii Rasputin.

They are now listed on our AMAZON page: