
Friday, December 10, 2010

Footage of the late Henri, Count of Paris (1908-1999)

Head of House France for nearly six decades, Henri of France was one of the most controversial royals of his generations. A highly misunderstood figure, his vision of a monarchical restoration consumed both his existence and great portions of his fortune.

Prince Henri was born in July 1908 as the youngest child and only son of Prince Jean and Princess Isabelle d'Orléans, Duke and Duchess de Guise. He was named after his uncle Henri, a mischief-maker prince who died untimely.

In 1931 he married Princess Isabelle d'Orléans-Bragança, a great-granddaughter of Emperor Pedro II of Brazil. The couple had eleven children, all but one leaving descendants. For decades Herni and Isabelle were the face of French monarchism.

For years I corresponded with the Count of Paris, an extremely intelligent man he was. Between 1998-2003 I met Madame, the Countess of Paris, several times at various events in Paris and at her spacious apartment on Rue de Miromesnil. She was simply fantastic!

Enjoy the footage...

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